While it must be emphasied that ALL moth records are welcome it is helpful to set out some priorities to avoid duplication of effort and to ensure that there is as great  a coverage as possible. Only this way will we get a true understanding of the status of all moth species occurring in the County.


Most regular recorders will have favourite or dedicated sites at which they regularly record or trap moths. It is important that activity at these sites is continued and that numbers of all moths, even the commonest, are noted to enable trends and changes to be monitored. Data from a single site over a number of years can be an important tool in detecting change that would otherwise go unnoticed.


The map showing the the distribution of records on the Species Diversity page reflects the correlation between the number of records and the places where regular and long term observers live or have lived and where Rothamsted traps were operated. Because of this there is a bias towards urban or semi-urban areas and the agricultural belt of Caithness.

High priorities are moorland (particularly the more undisturbed and remoter areas) and coastal locations.


The table below shows the distribution of records per 10km square of the National Grid as at the 31st December 2013.  Although good progress as been made in recent years much remains to be done to achieve a more even coverage of records and species.

Of the 29 squares covered, at least in part, by the County, 7 (24%) have less than 50 species recorded from them, of which 3 have no records. Only 6 (20%) have 200 or more species recorded of which only one has recorded more than half of the species recorded in the County.

Squares with less than 100 macro species recorded carry the highest geographic priority.

NC92 0 0 0
NC93 1 0 1
NC94 40 11 51
NC95 0 0 0
NC96 187 19 206
ND01 0 0 0
ND02 53 38 91
ND03 52 9 61
ND04 58 8 66
ND05 62 12 74
ND06 77 22 99
ND07 0 1 1
ND12 174 70 244
ND13 175 65 240
ND14 61 16 77
ND15 118 9 127
ND16 133 44 177
ND17 26 10 36
ND23 111 1 112
ND24 57 10 67
ND25 159 9 168
ND26 179 40 219
ND27 193 87 280
ND33 23 3 26
ND34 92 20 112
ND35 193 30 223
ND36 79 25 104
ND37 93 17 110
ND47 5 0 5
COUNTY 296 207 503